Multi-dimensional Perspective on credit information in Vietnam
Chính sách bảo mật này công bố cách thức mà Công ty Cổ phần Việt Nam CreditRating thu thập, lưu trữ và xử lý thông tin hoặc dữ liệu cá nhân (“Thông tin cá nhân”) của các khách hàng của mình thông qua website của chúng tôi:
Today, 14 January, the Comprehensive and Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) Agreement is officially in force for Vietnam. This is a new free trade agreement (FTA), consisting of 11 member countries: Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam.
These six steps can help businesses easily integrate social media into their business strategies.
Fiscal year 2018 in Vietnam is about to pass, how has your business performed this year? It is glad that you are spending time reading this article, which means that your business is still good even outperformed this year. Here are some financial year resolutions for SME owners that you can consider and design a plan for 2019.
In the future, 5G technology development can absolutely draw a new world, with “5G economy” being forecast for 2035 when the technology gets involved into many areas of human activities.
The compliance world, like business in general, is being inundated with “trends” and claims of “new technology” that inevitably (is or) will transform our economy. There is no question that artificial intelligence holds great promise for compliance and our entire economy.